Watch the Saturday Morning
Zoom Discussion Group

The Book of Revelation


Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov.  Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (oil on canvas), 1887.
Glinka National Museum Consortium of Musical Culture, Moscow.
[Death, famine, war and conquest, with the Lamb and open book at the top.]

The Book of Revelation is our “Featured Course” this semester.  Logos subscribers watch two 45-60 minute video lessons each week, and on Saturday morning, 10:00 AM - Noon (Pacific Time) Dr. Creasy and the group discuss the two lessons live on Zoom.  Each week we post the 2-hour Zoom video discussions here, for ALL to watch—FREE!

Our discussion group includes Logos students from throughout the United States, England, Australia . . . and even the island of Crete!  They are some bright, insightful and intriguing people, including long-time Logos veterans and more recent Logos students.

Want to join the discussion?  Just become a Logos subscriber and you will have unlimited, open access to in-depth studies of every book of the Bible, including the Deuterocanonical books (or Apocrypha):  22 university-level courses (including the “Featured Courses” and discussion groups); 450 video lessons; detailed syllabi for each book of the Bible; over 20,000 pages of commentary, classic art work, on-site photographs and Google Earth maps; twice-weekly live Zoom “Office Hours” with Dr. C.; and priority registration for Dr. C.’s many small-group teaching tours to Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, Greece, Italy and Spain—the world of the Bible!

Watch the discussions — Free!

Week 1:

Introduction to Revelation (Part 1) - Accessible to LBS Members
Introduction to Revelation (Part 2) - Accessible to LBS Members

“Office Hours” Discussion (Free!)

Week 2

The Prologue, “What Was” - Accessible to LBS Members
“What Is”, The Seven Churches (Part 1) - Accessible to LBS Members

“Office Hours” Discussion (Free!)

Week 3

“What Is”, The Seven Churches (Part 2) - Accessible to LBS Members
“What Will Be”, John’s Vision - Accessible to LBS Members

“Office Hours” Discussion (Free!)