Dr. Creasy's Suggested Reading for The Gospel according to John

(Click on the book cover to purchase through Amazon. Five Stars = Superb, a must-have for your personal library!)

The Gospel According to John: A Literary and Theological Commentary

Thomas L. Brodie


The Gospel According to John, I-XII (Anchor Bible Series, Vol. 29)

Raymond E. Brown


The Gospel According to John, XIII-XXI (Anchor Bible Series, Vol. 29a)

Raymond E. Brown


An Introduction to the Gospel of John (Anchor Bible Reference Library)

Raymond E. Brown (ed. by Francis J. Moloney)

[This is a major revision of Brown’s magisterial 2-vol. Anchor Bible commentary.  Sadly, Brown died in 1998 before completing his final work, but Francis J. Moloney has brought the book skillfully to publication. In his rethinking of the gospel, Brown moves well beyond the historical-critical position he articulated so well over three decades ago, and he opens his new work to a literary reading of the text.  This is a very important commentary by one of the greatest New Testament biblical scholars of the 20th century.]

The Gospel of John:  Introduction, Exposition and Notes

F.F. Bruce

Anatomy of the Fourth Gospel: A Study in Literary Design

R. Alan Culpepper


The Unity of the Farewell Discourse: The Literary Integrity of John 13:31-16:33

L. Scott Kellum and Mark Goodacre, eds.


Encountering John: The Gospel in Historical, Literary and Theological Perspective

Andreas J. Kostenberger

The Gospel According to John (New International Commentary on the New Testament)

Leon Morris


The Past from God’s Perspective: A Commentary on John’s Gospel

Scott Gambrill Sinclair